The main reason for a man's love of life and activity, which affects his behavior, are sex hormones. Every third man suffers from erectile dysfunction. You can compensate for loss of libido in many ways: hormonal therapy, exercise and proper diet. Which? Find out from our list.
Let's look at the 25 best products that will quickly and effectively increase your libido and be useful for potency

Seafood to increase potency
There are a lot of them, but among them there are also those that you must include in your diet. Schematically, in order of importance, this list can be presented as follows.
Sea fish and seafood rightfully occupy the first place in male enhancement products. It is very good if there are mackerel and flounder on the table. Oysters and octopuses are welcome, they can be considered aphrodisiacs. Clams are rich in zinc, which is an important element in the process of testosterone synthesis.
The production of testosterone also requires amino acids, which are found here in large quantities. Their use contributes not only to the activation of male sex hormone synthesis, but also to an increase in spermatogenesis. Sea fish is rich in dopamine, which prevents premature ejaculation.
But not everyone can recommend oysters. Seafood is contraindicated for people with a weakened immune system, with a history of diabetes mellitus and gastritis with low acidity.
Seafood delicacies are better eaten raw. To give them a spicy taste, you can sprinkle lemon juice on the seafood. All nutrients will remain unchanged.
Flounder is known for its taste. It contains enough vitamins, amino acids and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the state of erection.
Mackerel contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that are actively involved in the synthesis of testosterone. A decent amount of phosphorus, an element whose actions are aimed at improving sexual function.
Foods that increase potency
Many products that instantly increase sexuality and potency in men are available here and can be bought in stores.
For a stable erection and prolonging the duration of sexual intercourse, it is recommended to have twenty quail eggs for breakfast. To add variety to your diet, you can sprinkle the above dish with green onions.
The diet requires a complete absence of mayonnaise and fatty bacon in scrambled eggs, quail should not be replaced with the best chicken or duck eggs, because they do not contain harmful cholesterol that kills the immune system.
A quail egg can contain six times more iron and phosphorus, which helps to remove radionuclides and increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.
You should definitely pay attention to spices for male enhancement products, including:
- dry and fresh mint;
- chili;
- anise;
- carnation;
- cardamom;
- ginger;
- cinnamon sticks.
If the man does not suffer from allergic reactions, teas made from several herbs, acacia honey, and dark chocolate (preferably from natural ingredients) should be added.
All products that significantly improve the potency of every man must be prepared according to the following rules:
- reduce the amount of salt in food;
- make the diet fractional;
- cook the best meat and fish dishes in a steam boiler;
- vegetable dishes;
- choose vegetable oil exclusively from the first pressing;
- add a large amount of healthy spices;
- meat should be eaten four hours before bedtime.
You must understand that before cooking, the ingredients must be washed and processed according to the recipe.
Meat products for potency
In the diet of every man, meat dishes should take the main place. Meat dishes are the main supplier of protein. The protein base of meat promotes the creation of thyroxine in the body, which actively participates in all oxidative processes that take place at the intracellular level. Horse meat, lamb, rabbit and poultry are healthy.
Lovers of exotic food should eat fried roosters with lamb testicles and ground thrush. The effect is simply amazing - this dish effectively helps to increase potency in men.
Camel's stomach (rennet rennet) can be classified as a fast-acting male potency product. If you eat it, your erection will certainly increase (by its effect, rennet resembles a medicine). The only problem is its scarcity.
This food also leads to improved sperm quality. If you introduce it in your diet, you can become a father even after 50 years.
The camel's stomach is not subjected to heat treatment, it is eaten in small quantities half an hour before the intended intercourse. They also use camel stomach tincture: 100 g of the product is placed in a liter of vodka and infused for two weeks.
What can worsen potency?
Before you start choosing products for potency, you need to understand the main reasons for its deterioration.
A man's potency can be worsened by:
- Neurological problems: autoimmune diseases, sclerosis, epilepsy.
- Psychological problems: stressful situations, increased irritability, depression, fatigue.
- Damage to genital or pelvic organs.
All of the above factors currently affect potency.
There are also certain foods that pose a danger to male potency. Due to their regular use, the erection will gradually worsen, so it is recommended to exclude them from the diet.
This includes:
- Alcohol. They negatively affect the sexual sphere and the work of the testicles. Be careful when drinking alcohol, because sometimes the abuse of such drinks ends in impotence.
- Meat with a lot of fat. Such food is very dangerous for men of any age. If you eat fatty meat too often, the amount of testosterone in your body will start to decrease. This hormone is responsible for the functioning of the genital organs.
- Sol. Almost every food contains salt, so it is impossible to give it up completely. However, if possible, it is better not to eat very salty food.
Vegetables for increasing potency
A wide variety of vegetables are products of natural origin that increase potency and generally have a positive effect on the body.
The main place in the set of vegetable products should be occupied by turnips. This vegetable is literally loaded with substances that improve the secretion and quality of seminal fluid. His seed also has the same ability. Boiled beets can be used as an addition to various dishes. The combination of beets, carrots and honey is beneficial. This mixture, 1/3 cup, should be eaten after every meal.Contraindicated for people with liver disease
Vegetables such as beets, white cabbage and celery are also very necessary for male potency. All of them are capable of increasing libido.
Onions and garlic should also be an integral part of a man's diet. It will be more effective if you eat dill and parsley at the same time. At the same time, the pelvis is better supplied with blood. A strong erection is possible only in a healthy man. With general weakness and frequent illnesses, the erection will be weak (in such a situation, we recommend doing exercises to increase potency at home). And to prevent such cases, you must eat 50 g of green onions every day. Acting as an aphrodisiac, onions increase libido.
Garlic is very useful. It serves as an excellent prevention of the occurrence and development of prostatitis. The positive effect of this vegetable on the nervous system has been known for a long time. This is due to the high content of vitamin B1. Resistance to stress increases, and at the same time sexual function is strengthened.
Garlic is able to dilate the blood vessels of the penis, which will increase blood flow and improve erection.This vegetable should be used with great caution by those with stomach and liver problems.
First on this list is, of course, honey. Honey is extremely important for male potency, especially in combination with walnuts. This is due to the high content of B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron and other trace elements. To maintain high potency, you should eat several spoons of honey a day, add it to tea, milk and other dishes. Honey, which is obtained from the pollen of flowers of plants that are considered aphrodisiacs, for example, jasmine or marjoram, is particularly effective in increasing sexual abilities.
It is also necessary to mention the positive effect of cocoa and dark chocolate on potency.
Nuts for male strength
Eating nuts of all varieties will increase potency. They contain zinc, magnesium and a large amount of vitamins. These products have a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system as a whole. From the composition of amino acids, they contain the most arginine, which is necessary for the production of nitric oxide, which will ensure a good erection (activation of the erection comes through nitric oxide).
Nuts are a very valuable product for male potency and lead to the normalization of basal metabolism and hormonal levels. Sexual function is strengthened.
Which nuts should you eat? Basically, all nuts are good. It is recommended to eat them regularly, because they contain arginine, which promotes vascular dilation. Blood supply increases, including the reproductive organs. Arginine has a positive effect on the qualitative composition of semen, sperm motility increases. They also contain tocopherols, enough zinc and selenium. Without these elements, normal sexual activity is simply impossible.
Products for male libido
There is an effective way to solve potency problems - eating foods that can positively affect the amount of testosterone in the body. Here is a list of the most effective products for increasing potency.
Seafood - the essence of potency
Men who regularly include seafood in their diet are in significantly better physical shape than their peers who prefer fatty, high-calorie foods. As a result, they look and feel sexier and more energetic. Seafood promotes faster and better sperm recovery and increases a man's sexual performance due to the high content of zinc and selenium.
Fish - good for erection
Iodine (I) and phosphorus (P) present in fish dictate the degree of sexual activity, proteins are the basis for sperm, omega-3 and -6 EFAs are needed for testosterone production. When choosing between freshwater and marine species, you should prefer the latter. They are more saturated with useful chemical elements. Fatty fish are especially valuable, including tuna, salmon, salmon, mackerel and many others.
Attention!Fish caviar has the same beneficial composition, but in much higher concentrations, which means that it significantly increases potency and improves erection.
Meat is the basis for men
This food has a high energy value, many microelements and other useful substances, and significantly contributes to the increase of male libido. Its use significantly contributes to the production of hormones that ensure the activity of the male reproductive system. The greatest value in this regard is:
- Horse meat;
- Mutton;
- Beef;
- Rabbit meat;
- Chicken;
- Turkey meat.
To solve libido problems, many men used the testicles of male animals, such as bulls, rams and others, as food. In Spain, bull testicles are considered an exceptional delicacy. Modern medicine has scientifically supported these recommendations: 95% of total testosterone is formed in the testicles, and only 5% in the adrenal glands.
Attention!Avid meat lovers can get the exact opposite result. The body, trying to digest heavy food, spends a lot of energy, due to which the sexual performance decreases.
They contain in significant concentrations precisely those chemical elements that are necessary for the functioning of the male reproductive system and increase in potency. These are substances such as:
- vitamins E, B-groups;
- zinc (Zn);
- magnesium (Mn);
- arginine is involved in the creation of nitric oxide, necessary for erection.
This applies to all nuts.
Important!Peanuts are legumes, not nuts.
Beef (lamb) liver
Liver is another product that is useful for potency and instantly increases potency. Contains substances that improve male potency:
- Lecithin;
- Vitamins A, E, B-group;
- Phosphorus;
- other useful substances.
vitamin Anecessary for the synthesis of sex hormones. When there is a lack of vitamin A in a man's body, chemical castration occurs. This leads to testicular atrophy and decreased testosterone secretion.
Genitalia are very sensitive to deficiencyvitamin E. Its deficiency leads to ovarian dysfunction, reduction or complete cessation of testosterone production, as well as male and female infertility. This has been experimentally proven. The rats were fed food completely devoid of vitamin E. Thus, the first generation of rodents was partially sterile, and the second completely sterile. TocopherolIt also stimulates sexual activity, not without reason it is called the sex vitamin.
Phosphorusalso vital for sexuality. The substance immediately improves erection, without it you can completely forget about sex. Beef liver contains a lot, but pumpkin seeds contain even more.
Pumpkin seeds
Product beyond thatphosphorusalso contains a lotzinc. This substance is vital for a man for the normal state of his genital organs, for the prostate. This fact speaks of the importance of zinc. The prostate contains 100 times more zinc than any other organ.
Zincit is also involved in the synthesis of dehydrotestosterone, a much more active hormone than testosterone.90% testosteronein the prostate, it is converted into dehydrotestosterone, but if there is a lack of zinc in the body, this process stops. Lack of zinc leads to male infertility, weakened sexual desire and erection. Therefore, it is vital that a man gets this substance through food.
Sunflower seeds
Half a glass of sunflower seeds contains daily requirementsvitamin E. It is not for nothing that most men like to crack sunflower seeds in their free time. Obviously, the body feels the need for this substance and thus achieves it. In addition, peeling the seeds has a calming effect.
Olive oil
Olive oil is also the record holder for the content of vitamin E. Men are recommended to eat 2-3 tablespoons of the product per day in order to meet their daily needs for this substance. It is best to season salads with oil without subjecting it to heat treatment, which can destroy all its beneficial properties.
In fact, bee bread is pollen compacted by bees in their cells, which has undergone lactic acid fermentation. There is no better way to restore low immunity and the general state of the body. A surge of strength and enthusiasm appears. Perga has:
- potassium (K);
- iodine (I);
- magnesium (Mg);
- phosphorus (P);
- zinc (Zn);
- protein.
To increase potency, do not consume more than 10 g of bee bread per day. Other bee products are also useful. Honey enhances the body's synthesis of sex hormones. Royal jelly works on all systems of the body as a whole, including healing and restoration of sexual function.
It strengthens and rejuvenates the body thanks to its rich content of immunomodulatory substances. It works best on the sexual sphere, increases sexual strength and endurance and ensures reproductive function. It is recommended not to abuse this drink.
The value of parsley for male potency has long been known. Among the chemical compounds present in its composition is apigenin. This substance prevents the synthesis of estrogens in the male body, which are testosterone antagonists and reduce its secretion. In addition, the plant helps monitor the condition of the genital area and prevents the development of prostatitis in time.
Cilantro, celery, spinachand other greens, in addition to the rich organic composition of vitamins and minerals, contain plant analogues of male sex hormones (androsterone).
Tomatoes contain such a useful antioxidant as lycopene. The substance helps to remove cancerous substances from the body. In addition, it can be used to prevent prostate and pancreatic cancer. Regular consumption of tomatoes is also recommended in the complex treatment of male infertility.
The fruit contains a lot of thiamin (vitamin B1), as well as manganese, selenium and tryptophan. By the way, the latter helps the body receive serotonin, i. e. the hormone of pleasure. To increase testosterone levels and improve sexual performance, it is recommended to drink pomegranate juice every day for 0. 5-1 months.
Root vegetables are mainly used to make drinks. Ginger tea is primarily popular as a cold remedy. However, it is rich in substances that affect the cardiovascular system of the body:
- vitamins of group B, A and C;
- amino acids;
- microelements;
- minerals.
This leads to the strengthening of male strength and health.
This vegetable is rightly included in the list of the best products that improve potency. Turnips have a general strengthening effect, which in turn has a beneficial effect on testosterone production. Beet seeds are used in folk medicine to stimulate sexual desire and increase potency. The same result can be achieved by adding cooked vegetables to meat dishes.
All substances that somehow accelerate the flow of blood and lymph, for example, mustard, turmeric, when they enter the digestive tract, begin to stimulate its peristalsis and outflow of lymph. All this always indirectly affects male strength and improves potency. This happens due to the fact that sexual appetite and abilities are strongly related to blood circulation.
Attention!Any product that improves digestion affects male potency. But not everyone can stimulate testosterone production.
It has long been considered the strongest aphrodisiac. In South America, Indians often consumed it for dinner, preparing for a romantic party. One of the popular dishes for the Romeo Redskins was dark chocolate spiced with red pepper.
Another medicine that came to us from our ancestors. In order to increase male strength, a drink was prepared according to the following recipe. Pepper and sugar are mixed in equal amounts, half a teaspoon dissolved in a cup of hot milk. They drank just before romantic pleasures.
Attention!It is not recommended to consume chili pepper daily for more than one week.
Traditional healers of Greece are convinced that carrot juice is one of the most effective drugs for increasing male potency. In raw and cooked form, vegetables are eaten to prevent atherosclerosis, because their substances clean blood vessels well, which ensures good blood supply to all organs, including reproductive organs.
Scientists have long proven the benefits of bananas for male potency. According to them, based on the data of clinical trials, regular consumption of fruit allows achieving a longer erection, improves sperm quality and increases reproductive capacity. Such abilities of the fruit are due to the presence of a large amount of magnesium in it. The potassium found in bananas helps strengthen the heart and increase physical endurance.
Known for their high content of organic zinc, as well as rare amino acids that are involved in testosterone synthesis and spermatogenesis. Seashells contain dopamine, a hormone that causes feelings of pleasure and happiness. Many people try to consume the product raw in order to fully get its beneficial properties. According to other research, raw oysters are often contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus bacteria, which is the cause of many serious diseases.
What fruits are good for men?
For normal sexual function, the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Fruit contains them. Sometimes just using a fruit diet can improve sexual function. Consuming these natural products can restore sexual function. Of particular importance in this regard are fruits rich in folic and ascorbic acid.
Citrus fruits are excellent suppliers of ascorbic acid in the body. The body as a whole is strengthened, and the sexual sphere also becomes better. Mangoes, figs, kiwi and pomegranate are very healthy.
Fast-acting products
For a quick solution to sexual problems, consumption of seafood and sea fish is recommended. From all variants, nutritionists distinguish:
- Mackerel. It contains easily digestible proteins. Mackerel contains iodine, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Regular inclusion of this fish in the diet guarantees improved erectile function in men.
- Flounder. It is known not only for its amazing taste, but also for its quick effect on erection. Steamed flounder is considered the healthiest. When salted and dried, fish loses half of its beneficial properties.
- Mussels. Like oysters, they are rich in microelements useful for male strength. Due to the high content of protein and zinc, eating shellfish promotes rapid erection and improves sperm quality.
Quail eggs for the male body
Another product of animal origin, besides meat, useful for male potency are quail eggs. If there are sexual problems, then for such men, quail eggs should become an indispensable ingredient in the daily diet (they lead to an increase in libido). They contain all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
Quail eggs are better eaten raw. However, the possibility of salmonellosis should not be feared. The body temperature of quail is high and it is unpleasant for the development of salmonella.
You have to drink up to 4 of these eggs a day, plus they can be used in combination with other potency enhancing products. Medicinal mixtures are also prepared on their basis.
Drinks to improve erection
Not only consumed food, but also drinks can help increase potency. The most useful for men are:
- kumiss (stimulates blood circulation, has a relaxing effect);
- pomegranate juice (necessary for maintaining hematopoietic function and improving blood circulation);
- celery and parsley juice (it has the property of increasing sexual desire and improving erectile function);
- Ginger tea, a drink made from ginger root and honey (stimulates circulation, activates the work of the reproductive system).